CH Tollhaus I’m A Rebel Just For Kicks CD, NDD, RN (Kiki)
BMDCA Versatility Award Recipient
Sire: CH Tallpine’s It’s Got A Hemi In It
Dam: CH Tollhaus Amazing Grace
Whelped: 07/02/18
Prelim – Hips Good, Elbows Grade III, DM Clear/Clear,
Histio Tested
Kiki will not be bred, as she didn’t pass her elbows. She enjoys her life with Lynn and Ken. She ignores the x-rays, and is a very sound dog as 6-1/2 years old.
Kiki finishing her Championship with all of her points coming from the Bred By class. April, 2021. Kiki is 2-1/2 years old in this picture.
The same weekend she earned her Championship, Kiki also was shown for the first time in Novice Obedience and Novice Rally and picked up a leg in both. The frosting on the cake was that she received a score of 99 points out of 100 in Rally and received 1st place!
Kiki getting her 3rd major in Montgomery, AL in November, 2020
Kiki won Winners Bitch 2 out of the 3 days she was entered in Greenville, SC for both of her majors. She was losing her undercoat badly at that show, so we’ll wait until she comes back into coat to finish her championship.
Kiki at 10 months in Brainerd, MN 2019