CH KD’s Stealing Second RA CGC TDI
Loved and Owned by Erica Arena & Pat Duryea
Sire: SHR Ch Landew KD’s Prince of Tides CDX WC RN VC ROMX
Dam: CH Salsipuedes of Cinnstar
DOB: 1/25/2007
Breeder: Dee Nichols at KD’s Kennels
Addison earned her CD in obedience with Pat at 9 years old!

Addison was our first Toller and I don’t think we could have imagined all the places she’d take us. She opened up her show career with two major wins her first weekend out at 6 months and 2 days. After that, with limited showing, she continued to impress us with breed wins over specials. She finished her championship at 16 months old with another major win. Two days later, in her first outing as a special, she took BOS at the 2008 Back Yard Classic Toller Supported Entry. In 2011 she was back in the show ring working on her AKC Grand Championship. Her first weekend out she not only took BOB but also a group placement!!! Addison finished her GCH in just 3 weekends and took another BOS at the Back Yard Classic Toller Supported Entry.