October – Capri was bred to Davis and while she had some complications, we feel blessed that we were able to save a singleton boy. He will be going to his new home in January.
July – Kitty (Sophia & Hemi) was invited to be the Grand Marshal of the Aspen 4th of July parade. He really is an amazing dog and I know I’d love to have the life that Jess has given him.
Click below to see Kitty
April – Jersey had a litter of 7 puppies from GCH Carma Que N Tristevan Fearless Redneck (Jimmy). 4 boys and 3 girls. All have gone on to their new homes and Sue is keeping Gerri. We are very proud to have 3 generations in our family – Pippa (9), Gerri (12 weeks) and Jersey (3)
March/April – We went to the BMDCA National Specialty at Purina Farms in Grey Summit, MO and had an exhausting, but great time.
On Monday, Bitsy passed her Open draft test and has a new title.
On Tuesday, Davis and Pippa competed in their first scent work trial. Davis and Pippa qualified in Exteriors -Pippa with a 2nd place and Davis with a 4th. Davis got another qualifying performance in Containers with a 4th and Pippa qualified in exteriors. Thanks to Sue Balsiger for her training and guidance, we could have never done it without you. Also, thanks to Patricia Kay Duryea, for stepping in at the very last minute to handle Pippa for me.
Capri’s daughter Polka placed her Futurity and regular class 9-12 girls on Wednesday and Friday. Very proud of Polka and Alice!
Lori Weber showed Baron (Sophia & Hemi) and Daisy (Sunni & Lago) in Rally and both qualified and placed.
January 2024 – Abner went to his first conformation shows in Ocala, Florida and he picked up 5 points, including his first major.
Jersey and Davis went to shows in Clemson, SC and Jersey earned her Rally Novice title with a 1st place.
Davis picked up another Select major towards his grand championship.
2023 – Tollhaus Big Girls Don’t Cry (Jersey) picked up a couple of titles (AKC Novice Scent Work, Farm Dog), 8 points towards her championship (including one major). She also had a lot of fun trying out FastCat.
2022 – Tollhaus is proud to announce the following achievements in 2022:
GCHG Tollhaus You Decorated My Life (Decker) earned his Novice Scent Work Buried (SBN) and Scent Work Novice (SWN) in June, 2022.
Tollhaus Big Girls Don’t Cry (Jersey) earned her Scent Work Interior Novice (SIN), Scent Work Buried Novice (SBN) and Scent Work Exterior Novice (SEN) in October, 2022
Tollhaus He’s A Righteous Dude (Bueller) received his BMDCA Active Dog Award.
Owned by Lori Weber – Tollhaus Baron Von Weber (Baron) earned the following titles in 2022: Scent Work Container Novice (SCN), Scent Work Novice, (SWN), Scent Work Interior Novice (SIN), Scent Work Buried Novice (SBN) and Scent Work Exterior Novice (SEN) and he earned High In Trial at the 2022 BMDCA National Specialty in Scent Work
Tollhaus Do Life Big (Pippa) earned her Rally Intermediate (RI)
GCH Tollhaus A Little Bit of Butter (Bitsy) earned her Rally Novice (RN)
CH Tollhaus It’s Hard to Be Humble (Davis) earned his Graduate Novice (GN) in Obedience, BMDCA Draft Dog (DD), Rally Advanced (RA) and received a BMDCA Active Dog Award and an Award of Merit at the BRBMDC regional specialty.
CH Tollhaus I’m A Rebel Just For Kicks (Kiki) earned her Companion Dog (CD) in Obedience and received a BMDCA Versatility Dog Award
Owned by Jessica Young, Tollhaus Sir Kitty Jacob Astor Li Of Aspen (Kitty) garnered 14 points toward his championship, including 1 Best of Breed win for a major.
November, 2021 – Kiki passed her Novice Draft Dog test. She is the 3rd dog from the Hemi/Sophia litter to get her draft title. We’re very proud of these pups!
October, 2021 – Kitty owned by Jessica Young, made his debut in the conformation ring and won Best of Winners two days at the Grand Junction, CO shows. Then we went on to the Colorado Rockies Bernese Mountain Dog Club Regional Specialty and Davis placed 1st and 2nd in the the Rally Trials. Kitty placed 4th in a competitive Open Dog class and Davis made it to the final cut in the Best of Breed class. Very proud of these boys!
September, 2021 – Baron, owned by Lori and Chris Weber passed his Novice Draft Dog test in WI! So proud of this team! I’m sure this is the first title of many for Team Baron.
Davis earned his Dock Junior Title, with a personal best of 12’9″. He really has fun jumping and swimming.
August, 2021 – Roxy, owned by Becky and Colin Wright, obtained her Companion Dog (CD) title, with three 1st places. What an achievement!
This now makes Heidi a BMDCA Producer of Working Title Holders. We are very proud of the dogs and owners that worked hard to get their titles and follow in their mother’s footsteps and of our beloved Heidi.
May, 2021 – Decker and Sue competed in the Top 20 competition at the BMDCA National Specialty in Estes Park, CO.
April, 2021 – An excellent 3 days at the Peach Blossom Cluster in Perry, GA! Cami earned her Advanced Rally title with Pat!
Bueller and Sue competed in dock diving and rally and came home with several more legs in Distance Jumping, Hydro Dash and also got their first leg towards their Advanced Rally title!
Kiki earned her first legs towards her Companion Dog and Rally Novice titles with Lynn
Davis finished his Rally Novice title and earned another leg towards his Graduate Novice title!
Kiki earned her Championship and a Bred By Group 4!
March, 2021 – Bitsy, Bueller and Davis were entered at the Blue Ridge Bernese Mountain Dog Club Draft test and all three dogs passed their Novice Draft test and now both Bitsy and Davis are BMDCA Versatility Dogs.
Bueller and Bitsy (littermates)
February, 2021 – Bueller and Davis went to the Tallahassee shows and did extremely well in performance events. Bueller competed in NADD Qualifier for Dock Diving. He “cannonballed” to a personal best of 15’6″ and consistently jumped over his average to earn an invitation to Regionals. But wait…. he also did Hydro Dash for only the second time and earned a Regional invitation in that discipline as well!
Davis competed in both Rally Novice (he earned a 4th and 2nd places) and competed for the first time in Graduate Novice and earned a 1st place.
January, 2021 – It was a fun weekend for the Tollhaus Berners. Pat showed Cami in Novice Obedience and they qualified 3 times to obtain her Companion Dog (CD) title. Sue showed Bueller and Decker and Lynn showed Davis and Kiki in Beginner Novice and all four dogs qualified all 3 times to finish their titles. Way to go kids!
November, 2020 – Tollhaus had a great weekend down at the Perry, GA show cluster – Decker and Sue earned two more legs towards his Companion Dog (CD) and now that makes him a Versatility Award recipient from the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America. Sunni and Pat earned all 3 legs in Novice Rally to add another title to her name and Kiki picked up another 3 point major. Just one more point to go to her championship.
Decker and Sue
Pat and Sunni receiving their awards and new title ribbon.
November, 2020 – Kiki and Henri (co-owned with Lindsay and Jim Long) traveled to Montgomery, AL for 3 days. The Friday, Henri won Best of Breed for his first point, a Group 3 Bred By Exhibitor, and a Group 4 Owner Handler, Kiki won Winners Bitch for a point. On Sunday, Henri won Best of Winners for a 3 point major and Kiki won Winners Bitch for a 3 point major. Nice job kids!
Henri wins a 3 point major
Kiki wins a 3 point major
October, 2020 – Davis earned 2 qualifying scores towards his Companion Dog (CD) title. One more to go!
July, 2020 – Our first show back after the long shutdown! Tollhaus was represented well. The first day Bitsy won Select Bitch and Best Owner Handled. Day 2, Kiki won Winners Bitch for a 4 point major. Day 3 at the Piedmont Bernese Mountain Dog Club Regional Specialty, Sunni received an Award of Merit! Day 4, Kiki was again awarded Winners Bitch for a 3 point major! Way to go girls!
Kiki – 4 point major!
January, 2020 – Davis finished his championship in style, at only 19 months old, by going Best of Breed over specials, made the cut in a very competitive Working Group and also received an Owner Handler Working Group 4.
December, 2019 – Decker finished the year #3 All-breed and #6 Breed for Bernese Mountain Dogs and has been invited to take part in the BMDCA’s Top Twenty competition. Congratulations to Decker, Sue and handler extraordinaire, Paul Catterson.
August/September, 2019 – So much great news for Tollhaus Kennels!
Announcing a New Grand Champion! Sunni – GCH Tallpine’s Blinded by the Light finished her Grand Championship in September and in the process obtained an Owner Handler Group 1 and Group 3! Way to go Sunni Bunni!
At the same show in TN, Davis – Tollhaus It’s Hard to Be Humble won back to back 5 point majors at his first All-Breed Show. For his second major, he won Best of Breed and a Working Group 2 at only 14 months of age. Thanks to Linda Whitney for piloting him to his wins.
July, 2019 – Excellent Piedmont Bernese Mountain Dog Regional weekend! Miss Sunni finished her Championship on Friday with a 5 point major! Sunni finished with all majors! 4,5,3 & 5! Thanks to Linda Whitney for her expert handling and Dawn Hitchcock for letting Sunni come to live in GA! Then on Saturday, her first time as a special, Sunni went Select Bitch at the Regional Specialty and the same results on Sunday! Bitsy received High Scoring Bernese in both Obedience (with 193-1/2) and Rally (with a 97) and Cami finished her Intermediate Rally title! Nice job girls!
Sunni and Linda winning Select Bitch at the PBMDC Specialty
July, 13, 2019 – Decker, won a Best of Breed and a Group 2, on a VERY HOT day in Belvidere, IL, in a strong Working Group. Decker is ranked #6 in both Breed and All-Breeding rankings.
June, 2019 – Bitsy and Pippa competed in conformation in Fletcher, NC and had a nice weekend. Bitsy finished her GCH in style by going Best of Breed and Pippa received her first major towards her championship.
May, 2019 – May was a great month for Decker (GCHS Tollhaus You Decorated My Life NDD, RN) and handler Paul Catterson. Six shows and five group placements, moving Decker to #5 in All Breed ranking and #6 in Breed! Nice job Team Decker!
April, 2019 – Decker (GCHS Tollhaus You Decorated My Life NDD, RN) is doing in conformation and earned a Group 3! Thanks to Paul Catterson for his expert handling!
March, 2019 – Pippa (Tollhaus Do Life Big CD NDD) passed her BMDCA Novice Draft Dog test today!
March 2019 – Sunni (Tallpines Blinded By The Light) received her 3rd major in Louisville, KY by earning Best of Winners and Best of Opposite in very stiff competition.
March 2019 – Bitsy (CH Tollhaus A Little Bit of Butter CD) received her AKC Companion Dog (CD) title with a 193-1/2 out of 200! Nice job Bits!
December, 2018 – Decker and Bitsy took a trip to the AKC National Championship in Orlando, Florida. We went for the preshows and Bitsy was Best of Opposite for two days. Decker was Select Dog at the Working Dog Specialty, earned Best of Breed at the AKC National Owner Handler Series Finals and received an Award of Excellence at the National Championship. Super fun week!
Decker – Award of Excellence, AKC National Championship
Bitsy – Best of Opposite
October, 2018 – Amazing weekend! Decker won two Best of Breeds and two Group 2’s. Bitsy finished her Championship at the shows in Saline, AR. We just needed a major to finish it up, so I turned over the reins to professional handler Paul Catterson. Thank you Paul! I showed Bitsy myself the next day and we came home with Best of Opposite to Sue’s boy Decker, and then a Owner Handler Group 1.
Decker & Paul – Group 2
Bitsy – New Champion with Paul
October, 2018 – Bitsy (Tollhaus Butter Me Up) received a Best of Breed for a 5 point major towards her championship. And Cami (Campana Hard River) was Reserve Winners Bitch. Nice job girls! Bitsy also tried her hand at Beginners Novice B Obedience and got a 198-1/2 (out of 200) and 1st place.
August 2018 – Great weekend! Cookie (CH Tollhaus Through The Years) finished her championship. And Decker (GCHB Tollhaus You Decorated My Life) finished his Bronze Level Grand Championship. Cami (Campana Hard River BN) got her Beginner Novice Title with Pat! Sophia (CH Tollhaus Amazing Grace) got her 1st leg towards her Companion Dog (CD) title with 1st place and a score of 190 out of 200 points. Nice job everyone!
July, 2018 – Sunni (Tallpines Blinded By The Light) was Winners Bitch at the Piedmont Bernese Mountain Dog Club Regional Specialty for 5 points and also was award another Winners Bitch for 4 points that same weekend. Sunni was handled by Linda Whitney for both awards! Thanks Linda!
July, 2018 – Sophia naturally whelped 7 puppies (4 girls and 3 boys on July 2, 2018. She’s been a great mother.
June, 2018 – Excellent news! We confirmed pregnancy on Sophia. She was bred to CH Tallpine’s It’s Got A Hemi In It – Hemi. Stay tuned for updates and if you’re interested – go to the puppy plans to see more information about this breeding.
May, 2018 – We travelled to the BMDCA National Specialty in Sturbridge, MA. Decker earned a 2nd place in Intermediate Rally and Bueller qualified in Novice Rally to earn his title! Nice job boys! Sunni placed 3rd in the 6-9 Bitch Futurity class.
Decker 2nd Place Intermediate Rally
Bueller obtains his Rally Novice Title
Sunni in Conformation
Decker in Draft
Later in the month, Sue and Decker participated in a BMDCA Draft Test in IL and Decker passed! Congrats!
April, 2018 – Cookie is now 1 point away from her championship. We showed Cookie two weekends in April and she came away with 4 more points towards her championship. She will have a little break before we take her out again, as she is starting to lose her coat. We definitely hope to have her finish her championship this fall!
February 17 & 18, 2018 – Holy cow! What fun! We took Sunni to an IABCA International show and Sunni won 4 Best Puppy In Shows and to top it off, she won it all – Grand Sieger. She competed against all of the other adult dogs that won Best In Show for the weekend, under 4 respected judges and they decided she was the Grand Sieger Best In Show! What an honor! Thanks to Dawn Hitchcock of Tallpine Kennels for sending her to us. We’re having a blast with her!
February 2018 – Another great weekend for Tollhaus Kennels! Sunni won Best Puppy In Show at her very first show and Cookie won Winners Bitch for another 5 point major! Let’s hope that these girls are on a roll!
December 2017 – Sue’s boy Decker finished the AKC Owner Handler Series at #6! We’re very proud of that, considering he was shown very limitedly in 2017 as a special! Wonderful job you two! They went down to Florida for the AKC National Championship and really did a wonderful job representing Tollhaus kennels.
Here’s a pic of Decker having fun at the Royal Canin set-up!
October 28 & 29, 2017 – What a weekend! The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northern Illinois had their back to back regional specialty, with a large entry of 119 dogs and our dogs did amazing! The first day, Heidi was award Select Bitch for her very first time in the Best of Breed ring as a special. Bitsy got 2nd in the 12-18 mo. bitch class and Pippa got 4th in the competitive Bred By Bitch class. All 3 girls received these awards under esteemed breeder judge Svante Frisk, from Sweden. Day 2 – Pippa got High In Trial in obedience for finish her Companion Dog (CD) title with a 195-1/2! Way to go girls!
Heidi’s Select Bitch
Pippa’s HIT photo
Bitsy 2nd place in 12-18 mo. bitch
Pippa’s 4th in Bred By
September, 2017 – We took a trip to Biloxi, MS and McDonald, TN and Decker completed his Grand Championship in conformation, with 8 Best of Breeds and 6 Best Owner Handler awards. Pippa came home with 5 points and Bitsy got 1 point towards their championships.
August, 2017 – Sophia obtained her Beginners Novice Obedience title with the scores of 198, 189.5 & 193.5 out of a possible score of 200. We’re very happy with that!
July, 2017 – Pippa earned her Beginners Novice Obedience title with great scores: Out of 200 points – 197, 197.5 & 198.5! Such a good girl!
April, 2017 – We now have two champions to add – Introducing AKC/UKC CH Tollhaus You Decorated My Life (Decker) and AKC/UKC CH Tollhaus Amazing Grace (Sophia) Both dogs got their AKC championships on the same day in April, 2017! Yippee!
Also in April, Cookie won a 5 point major towards her championship, shown by Sue. Excellent job!
October 2016 – Addison earned her last two legs of her CD (Companion Dog) title! Way to go Pat and Addison. This title earned Addison Top CD Dog of the Year for Rand Park Training. See the blanket they were awarded below:
Addison earning her CD in obedience with Pat.
May 1, 2016 – Heidi passed her Open Dog Draft Test at the BMDCA National Specialty in Frankenmuth, MI! Nice job Heidi!
March 5, 2016 – Ruby obtained her Beginners Novice Obedience title with Pat showing her at the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Southeast Wisconsin Regional Specialty. They looked great and had a great time!
February 19 – 21, 2016 – A fabulous weekend for the Tollhaus Crew. Sue and Lynn took the pups down to Perry, GA for UKC shows and we came home with two Champions! Decker finished his Championship on Friday night with Best of Breed and a Guardian Group 3 in show #2. On Saturday in show #1 in addition to another Best of Breed and a Guardian Group 3, Decker earned a Nosework (scent detection) leg for Superior Containers. This earned him a Total Dog award. Decker finished his week-…end in Sunday’s show #1, with Best of Breed, Guardian Group 1 and a Reserve Best in Show. What a Thrill!
Here’s a picture of the entire crew with Sue and Lynn. Left to right is: Decker, Sophia, Pippa & Heidi.
Pictured below is Decker (Ruby/Diezel) and Sue for their Total Dog award.
This was Sophia & Pippa’s first conformation shows and I couldn’t have been prouder of both girls. We showed them in a total of 5 shows and Sophia won Best of Breed in two of the shows, a Guardian Group 3 and Winners Bitch 4 times to obtain her UKC Championship. Pippa really hadn’t received much conformation training prior to going in the ring and she was such a good girl – she won Reserve Winners Bitch in 4 of the shows. Pictured below is Sophia (Heidi/Boozer) and Lynn for the Group 3.
February 6, 2016 – Great news from Christine Irrgang Vogt who lives in Switzerland with Yoshi (Ruby/Diezel). Yoshi passed his very first appearance on the dance floor at the international Dogdance competition in Winterthur last weekend. We performed in beginners class with rather simple movements and tricks, clicker and treats were allowed. Main goal was to give Yoshi a happy time in the ring. The judges gave us a very good to excellent for this first performance. I had no idea how Yoshi would behave, he still is easily distracted and loves to sniff around, so finally, I was happy how he showed. In this tournament some 150 teams performed, dogs came from 45 different breeds, Yoshi was the only Berner.
Here are some short parts of the 2 minutes routine, the music is a popular Bavarian melody. Hoping that the link works, Jürgen tried his best ;-))
Here are some short parts of the 2 minutes routine, the music is a popular Bavarian melody. Hoping that the link works, Jürgen tried his best ;-))
December 6, 2015 – Addison finished her Beginners Novice Obedience (BN) title with Pat. They are currently working on her Companion Dog (CD) and Pat reports that she is a hoot to work with, especially since she is still going strong at 9 years old. Go team Addison!
October 25, 2015 – We are very proud of Ruby, Mother and now Grandmother of our Tollhaus Berners. She earned 3rd place in a very competitive 7-9 year old Veteran Bitch class at the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northeast Illinois on October 25, 2015.
October 16 & 18, 2015 – Heidi had a great obedience weekend after her maternity leave from obedience. Heidi and Lynn competed in Graduate Novice and Open Obedience and finished both of those titles in one weekend. Nice job!
September 20, 2015 – Decker earned his Nosework (NW1) title in Wilmot WI. Nosework is a scent detection sport that can be done by any dog. There are four elements (containers, interiors, exteriors and vehicles) that each dog is tested on. The dog must pass all four at one trial. We had a beautiful sunny day for Decker’s test. As you can see from the photo, Decker and Sue are equally pleased with his performance.
August 20, 2015 – Heidi’s has 5 girls and 1 boy and all are spoken for.
May 27, 2015 – Heidi was bred to BISS GCH Tallpines Life of the Party (Boozer). Bernergarde # 78259 . We have confirmed the pregnancy and puppies will be due July 1, 2015. Heidi lives in the metro Atlanta area with Lynn and the puppies will be whelped there.
Here is a clip of Boozer being shown at the National Dog Show in Philadelphia, November, 2014.
Boozer was the #1 BMDCA conformation dog in 2013 and he was #1 breed and all-breed in 2014. He is owned by Dawn Hitchock and Stephen Crisp in SC.
March 1, 2015 – Heidi and I competed in Open obedience both days up in WI and came home with 2 Q’s and decent scores (189-1/2 & 191-1/2). Nice job Miss Heidi!
February 14, 2015 – Will earned his NW1 today in Cumming, GA. Will earned a second in vehicles at 9.91 seconds and a third in containers at 10.87 seconds. 32 out of 39 dog earned their NW1 title today. Willie Rocks!!!
February 5, 2015 – Excellent news – Ruby got her Companion Dog (CD) title. Ruby turned in scores of 194 1/2, 192 1/2 and 186 to earn CD. It was so much fun to watch them and that tail of Ruby’s never stopped wagging as they worked the ring!
August 21 & 22nd, 2014 – Heidi and Lynn showed in Graduate Novice Obedience in Atlanta, GA. Graduate Novice is a class that is in between Novice and Open Obedience (they modify the Open exercises and there is only the out of sight down stay). Heidi did an awesome job and won her class both days with a 188-1/2 (out of 200 points) and a 193.
August 1, 2014 –Ruby – CH SANDUSKY TOLLHAUS TOURIST V THISTLEDOWN TD, RA (Bernergarde 60279 ) was bred to Derrick – GCH Honeoye Arundel’s Arm Candy (Berner Garde # 80814). We have confirmed the pregnancy and the litter is due August 23, 2014!
Derrick – GCH Honeoye Arundel’s Arm Candy
July 20, 2014 –
Heidi and Lynn had a nice time at the 4Paw Obedience Trial this weekend! Heidi came home with two titles to add to her name (CD & BMDCA Working Dog Award) and I was super happy with our improvement. I haven’t shown her since our Natl Specialty in April and she got a 192-1/2, 191 and 193-1/2 in Nov. B. She also won High Scoring Working Dog 2 days, and High Scoring Dog with a Tracking Title, 2 days.
June 14, 2014 – At almost 10 years old, Kobi earned his United Nosework Novice Containers title at the UKC Premier in Kalamazoo MI. He placed third with a time of just over 4 second to find the hide. Kobi started Nosework last year as a dog to fill a class in a newly offered dog sport. Surprise, he loves it and vehicles is his favorite search element.
June 8, 2014 – Wow – another great weekend for Tollhaus Kennels. Maple is wins Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite this weekend to finish her championship with Erica handling. The win photos will be coming in a couple of weeks.
Decker (Tollhaus You Decorated My Life) completes his United Nosework pretrial in textbook style. He checks each box until he finds the order of birch and then gives Sue the alert. In Decker’s case his alert is to look at his handler. Decker is six months ands two days old during this video and he demonstrates the focus a working Berners can possess.
May 31, 2014 – Announcing CH Tollhaus Suisse Holiday TD RA BN NDD (Heidi) – Heidi and Lynn travelled to Biloxi, MS. Heidi was handled by Dawn Hitchcock for two 5 point majors! Dawn is a great handler and she also finished Heidi’s mother Ruby! See Dawn’s website at In addition, we received the results back for Heidi’s health testing and she has clear elbows, good hips, DM clear, eyes & heart normal. She is vWd cleared by parentage.
May 24, 2014 – Pat showed Cookie for the first time in a puppy competition in Bloomington, IL. Cookie did an outstanding job and won the breed and received a Group 4!
May 10, 2014 – Heidi took Winners Bitch the first day of shows up in Eau Claire, WI. This has now singled her out and we will try for majors now towards her championship. Unfortunately we didn’t take a picture, so we’ll have to wait for the pics when she gets her majors!
April 7 – 12, 2014 – Just to update everyone on the National Specialty at Hampton, VA. I would encourage all of you to attend at least one BMDCA in your lifetime. If you love berners, you will be in heaven! About 600 – 700 berners in one spot! Anyway – we had a fabulous week! On Tuesday, Heidi passed her Novice Draft test in VERY muddy conditions!
Tuesday afternoon brought Sue Balsiger and Kobi (her almost 10 y.o. boy) in Versatility conformation (That’s where dogs that have a …Championship, Draft Title and usually a obedience title (companion dog) compete. Kobi and Sue placed 3rd in the 7 years and older class. Wednesday night was the Veterans Sweepstakes Gala and Sue showed both Will (7 y.o.) and Kobi again and Kobi won his 9-11 years old class!
Also on Wednesday, both Ruby and Heidi had their eyes and hearts tested at the health clinic and both were good girls and passed their tests with flying colors! On Thursday, Sue was back in the Veterans ring for the regular classes in the morning with Will & Kobi and Kobi won his 9-11 class again, which meant that he would then move on to Best of Breed on Saturday! Yippee! Lynn & Heidi showed in obedience and got a 185-1/2 out of 200 and then in the afternoon, they showed in conformation in the Amateur Owner Handler Bitch class and got 3rd place!
On Saturday, Sue showed Kobi in Best of Breed and they made the first cut! For those of you not familiar with showing, making the cut in Best of Breed at a National Specialty is pretty awesome, because you are up against the top dogs in the nation! Congrats to Sue and Kobi! Here’s a pic of Heidi’s conformation placing and I’ll let Sue post a picture of her boy! Plus I think Sue has some lovely candids of all of our dogs by the lake! It was a fun week, but I think we are all really happy to be back in our own beds!
2/28 & 3/1: Awesome news! Kobi and Sue won Best Veteran in Sweeps both days at the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Southeast Wisconsin Regional Specialty! Doesn’t Kobi look wonderful for 9-1/2 years old? Way to go!
2/4/14: Tollhaus Kennels is now on Facebook! Click here to join us!
1/15/14: Click
for the latest video of the puppies at 5 weeks becoming spunky monkeys!
1/3/2014: Erica had a little (big) boy – Justin Joseph Arena, 9lbs, 2oz. He is a beautiful, healthy boy!
12/11 & 12th, 2013: Lynn and Heidi attended the pre-shows at the Eukanuba National Championships in Orlando, FL. They were entered in Pre-Novice Obedience, Rally Obedience and Dock Dogs. It was a great time and Heidi performed her little heart out. Her scores on Wednesday in Pre-Novice were 191 – 3rd Place, Rally Advanced B – 99 – 2nd Place. On Thursday, Heidi and Lynn got a 192 in Pre-Novice and in Rally Advanced B, they got 98 and 4th Place against some very stiff competition. We had a ton of fun competing in dock dogs and her best jump in three waves was 12’3″. Additionally we volunteered at the Meet The Breeds both for the BMDCA. Heidi loves meeting new people.
12/6/13: Ruby gave birth to 9 puppies out of CH Arundel’s Diezel’s Nobody’s Fool. There are 6 girls and 3 boys and all are very healthy, robust puppies.
11/2/13: Sue traveled to GA for a draft test and Ivy & Will passed their Brace Novice Draft Dog test! They are an amazing team!
10/27 & 28th, 2013: What a great weekend for our family! The BMDCNI held their regional specialty and our dogs did a wonderful job! Sue showed Kobi & Ivy in conformation and Pat showed Ivy in obedience.
Kobi won an Award of Merit from the 9-12 year Veteran Dog class under breeder Judge Christine Mann. Kobi also won Best Veteran in Sweepstakes the second day of the show!
Ivy also won 2nd Place in the 7-9 year Veteran Bitch class under breeder judge Christine Mann! In addition, she won her Veterans Obedience class on Saturday!
9/28/13: Pat & Ivy showed great teamwork and passed the Novice Draft Dog, so Ivy now has a NDD to add to her name! Way to go!